Monday, April 19, 2010

Week 2: I lied.

Well, last week I said there wouldn't be a blog, but here we are... I held out for a whole week. But, with the cat gone there's no one to talk to here at odd hours and I love to write, blabber on.   So it was inevitable, I guess. And, it helps to see some progress, keep inspired, stay on track.  Stay tuned, as they say.

Last week began with a camera lesson. I have to tell you that I do NOT like reading directions. The manual is 111 pages; give me a break.  :(

Weekly Health Check:
Mind: Spirits lifted with the start of the Bracebridge Photo Project.

Body: No weight loss this week - but big mass loss. Walking about town does wonders. Fit into my jeans for the first time in months!

The Artist Soul: I connected with some seagulls. One of them limps quite badly but flies like - well, like a bird! I can only share the obvious: Handicaps of any kind don't need to stop us. They're relative. And who cares? As long as we can fly.