Note: December 2nd:
Sorry there are no new pictures to show you!
Lost my USB camera cord during the move & can't upload any photos!
Coming soon!
Well folks, I'm a couple of days later than usual posting the photos and blog. It's been a busy week trying to get Christmas cracker orders filled and organizing a move of my home and business. But never too busy to snap some photos! The ones this week are taken from a hike through the South Monck Trail the beginning of Wk 32. It was a beautiful fall day with all the colours of the forest floor reflecting the warm sun. It's kind of a sad time of year some people would say but I also find it comforting. Nature has dropped a warming, protective blanket of leaves over the landscape to prepare for the winter sleep. Just imagine all the plant and insect life lying underneath, resting, sleeping, waiting for the surge of spring to push all the energies of life back up again toward the heavens in a few short months. Sorry there are no new pictures to show you!
Lost my USB camera cord during the move & can't upload any photos!
Coming soon!
We are incredibly lucky, I think, in this country to experience the four seasons. As I approach my 60th birthday, I feel in sync with nature's calendar and place myself on it somewhere towards summer's end. It's a relief to me and an education to see the continuum of my own life reflected in the seasons. I feel less afraid, comforted even, by the rhythm of nature as I begin my older years. I can let go of the fear of life's end one day and rather feel instead the joy of being alive in the moment.
Another event this week that makes me think of life's seasons: Today, I had to dis-inter my old feline buddy, Grendle, and take her to a new and permanent resting place where she can lie undisturbed. She lived with me nearly 20 years, the best kitty-friend a person could want. She was the chief greeter for nearly 10 years at my stationery shop in Toronto and she moved north with me experiencing one town after another - sometimes adventurously, sometimes with trepidation - until we finally settled on beautiful Bracebridge where she passed away a couple of Christmases ago. After such a long history, I couldn't just leave her behind in the ground when I move for someone else to dig up and discard. So, she is headed this week to her final home and her long winter's rest.
Well back to the cheerier business of 'Cracker Central' as my friends call it. I love my job and I just love packing up the boxes after the crackers are filled. The last thing into the box is a Christmas card with a holiday wish for every customer. These folks who order year after year have become my "Christmas Families" - I have come to know the names of their family members - even their cats and dogs. Some even write to me at Christmas to tell me what new pets has been adopted into their homes. It's a business with lots of personal connection, high spirits, colour and sparkle. It's an honour to be part of hundreds of family celebrations. How lucky can a person be to get paid for doing the job they love.
That's the blogging ramble for this week. Hope you are well, busy, happy.
Thanks for walking with me on my footpath this week.
This weeks photos are here:
And, should you be interested, the crackers are here:
The weekly health report will return after Christmas. I am still walking daily and have made tremendous gains in lowering the blood pressures! I hope this encourages any of you who are considering taking up walking, hiking. 10,000 steps a day is not so very many as it turns out. Just walking to the post box, the pharmacy, around your living quarters and a round a couple of blocks and you've taken positive steps to improved flexibility, a sense of well-being and better health. I enjoy the walks and hikes. I hope you enjoy yours too!
A reminder - you can view all 30 pluse web albums at Picasa:
I'm glad you moved your buddy! It's a creepy thought! Some like to dump ashes in the lakes. Very sick. Who wants to swim in that?!