“ Those of you following the flooding in
Muskoka may be happy to hear that the water is receding along River Road . I was relieved this morning at 5 a.m. to be able to
walk along 2/3 of the road before hitting what remains of the flood area. The stretch that is still under water was
badly hit. The homes there are set far
back but the water came in about 200 feet - up to the front steps. As a result there were ducks swimming about
on the front of one lawn in the southern section of River Road early this morning. Vehicles
are still locked in or out by the remaining flood waters there. The areas where the water has receded are now
covered in mud - the river waves leaving enormous, muddy sandbars. The Muskoka floated a huge log unto the middle
of the road leaving it stranded and the
watery journey of somebody's screen window has been impeded on its way to the
Falls by a willow tree leaning far out over the river. It's good news for most folks along River Road
today; there is unfortunately some
waiting still left to do for others. “