Friday, April 26, 2013

April 26th, 2013 - One Week After the Flood...

“  Those of you following the flooding in Muskoka may be happy to hear that the water is receding along River Road.  I was relieved  this morning at 5 a.m. to be able to walk along 2/3 of the road before hitting what remains of the flood area.  The stretch that is still under water was badly hit.  The homes there are set far back but the water came in about 200 feet - up to the front steps.  As a result there were ducks swimming about on the front of one lawn in the southern section of River Road early this morning. Vehicles are still locked in or out by the remaining flood waters there.  The areas where the water has receded are now covered in mud - the river waves leaving enormous, muddy sandbars.  The Muskoka floated a huge log unto the middle of the road leaving it  stranded and the watery journey of somebody's screen window has been impeded on its way to the Falls by a willow tree leaning far out over the river.  It's good news for most folks along River Road today;  there is unfortunately some waiting still left to do for others. “

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Flooding Bracebridge Ontario - Photos taken April 19th and 20th

Pictures of flooding, Bracebridge, Ontario - April 19th and 20th

Ann Street at River Road / Wilson Falls Road

River Road

River Road

River Road @ Bass Rock Apts.

River Road

River Road - Saturday April 20th

Ann Street at Wilson Falls Road.

Bass Rock Park - considerable flooding here.

Bass Rock Park - considerable flooding here.

Bass Rock Park - considerable flooding here.

Bass Rock Park - considerable flooding here.

Bass Rock Park - considerable flooding here.

Bass Rock Park - considerable flooding here.

River Road and Muskoka River - no division between the two here.  Saturday Apr 20th.

The weeds mark the division between Muskoka River and River Road.

Bass Rock Park - considerable flooding here.

Wilson Falls Road facing south Saturday April 20th

Wilson Falls Road facing south Saturday April 21st

Wilson Falls Road facing south Saturday April 20th

Wilson Falls Road - Bass Road Park Rapids

Wilson Falls Road at Ann Street

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Flynn Rapids at Bass Rock in the Muskoka River are raging along today. I could fall asleep soundly to that watery spring music. Swollen rivers are an iconic sign of spring arrived. And so too are the woodland daffodils, the fattening buds on the old wild apple trees edging the river and the wild strawberries shooting outward in search of new ground to grasp. The lichen has exploded with thousands of new miniature shoots reaching skyward - one patch dipped in an impossible shade of emerald green which I have witnessed nowhere else in nature. Ducks are sailing placidly ignoring the heightened pace of the Muskoka while other ones flap overhead quacking together in pairs.

I picked a branch of silvery pussy willows along the Muskoka River today. Do you remember the childhood pussy willow song - each line rising one note higher than the last?

I know a little pussy
Her coat is silver gray
She lives down in the meadow
Not very far away.
Though she is a pussy
She’ll never be a cat.
She is a pussy willow.
Now what do you think of that!
 [And back down the scale with...]
Meow, Meow, Meow, Meow, Meow, Meow, Meow, Meow! MEOW!

Spring greetings to you all from Muskoka!