Saturday, October 16, 2010

WK 28: It's a glorious autumn day in Bracebridge, Ontario

It is glorious here in Bracebridge today.  The sun was strong and warm.
The town was flooded with dozens and dozens of friendly tourists -
many with their hands full of ice cream cones!
Several stopped to ask me things about Bracebridge which I thought was really neat.
There are still beautiful leaves and brilliantly coloured shrubbery everywhere.
There were kayakers out on the Bay and several photographers.
Folks were just drinking in the sun's rays and the beauty of it all.

This week's photos are in large format and my take a minute or more to download.
If you have trouble seeing them, let me know.

They can be found here:

If you missed it last week, you can still enjoy the 3rd annual
"Muskoka Fall Colours Slide Show" - here:

Have a good week everyone ~
Thank you for walking with me on my footpath this week.
The Blog and health update will be on hand next week...

Cheers, Gillian

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Muskoka Fall Colours Slide show

The 3rd Annual Muskoka Fall Colours slide show is ready to view. 
Please share it with your friends, family, colleagues and neighbours.

Happy Thanksgiving to you all.
And thank you for walking with me on the trails this holiday weekend.

Friday, October 8, 2010

WK 27: Hiking the Trails

There is never a shortage of new and interesting things to look at
- no matter how often I hike the same trails.

Muskoka is beautiful - Nature is magnificent.
Hope you can lace up your runners and join me soon.

Thanks for walking with me on my footpath this week.


The Photos are HERE:

The 3rd Annual Muskoka Fall Colours Slide Show is HERE: 


The new  Muskoka Trails 'Map Clips' are available.
You can buy them at Muskoka Bean on Manitoba Street for just $5.

The Clip Book contains trail maps for 6 Muskoka Regions - each page is plastic protected, features a map, access points, parking locations and items of interest. Each trail also features a "Volkssport Rating" to indicate the walking difficulty.  I don't know if I particularly agree with these ratings for Bracebridge.  One trail which I find especially easy, is rate 5E - the most difficult level but another trail that I believe to be the hardest in town is given only a 3E.  So maybe some of this is subjective!
Anyway, these attractive Clips can be handily attached to your back pack.
(They also sell pkgs. of Trail Mix to benefit the Muskoka Trails Council)

For more information, Twitter here:

Tuesday, October 5, 2010